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Thank-you for all the support!

Hi everyone!

I would like to take this oppurtinity to thank my family, friends and my oncology team for getting this far into week 4 of treatment, and the amazing support behind everything. Such as the fundraiser event which is happening in April and all the generous, kind, beautiful people who have donated money for my treatment and oppurtinity for a clinical trail. Words can't express the word thank-you enough, you have all touched my heart deeply in ways I can't express.

To my wonderful family in the UK for organizing a fundraiser night and the buggy run with the mummies you are all amazing! You know who you are. I thank-you. To all my family and friends on Facebook thanks for following me and supporting me!

Week 4 of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the hair is gone! Bits of hair left but will slowly fall out. Feeling more nauseated in the mornings and feeling really hot at nigh time, face turns red after dinner and the drugs kicking in. The journey isn't over yet, I am halfway through cycle one. This morning I had an appointment with my local GP to check with the latest blood tests and with God's blessing my kidneys, liver, blood cells, and iron are in really good shape. Really really good news. Each day is getting closer to the end of my cycle and I get my first MRI scan to see if the treatment is working and to hope and pray that there is no regrowth of a tumor.

Since all of this has happened it really puts a huge perspective on this journey we call 'life'. Reflecting today with my best mate in the car and saying 'the day before everything I was watching tv and being lazy and the next day found out got a brain tumor and have 3 months left if not operated'. Yeah sure I've been the typical teenager through college not having a care in the world, parties, clubs and doing crazy things and then you get a diagnosis like this at 19-20, it really makes you reflect on what it is important in life. It's showed me the importance of family. Family is so important. I've always hold my family in the highest respect, but the closeness in situations like these is priceless. You forget the bullshit in life and you just be authentic and love each-other  Sure we have our bad days, we wouldn't be human would be if we didn't? It took me a long while to understand it's okay to be down, it's okay to have a bad day, it's okay to tell somebody if you're sick, its okay to vent and I think part of me is showing it in a way of writing a blog. I've always been a person who doesn't speak up really but hey, perfect time right.

Thank-you everyone for all you're priceless support! It's what will help make fight this and beat this! Lots of love 

Understanding My Situation (For those who aren't aware)

For those who don't understand my situation, or recently been following my progress a quick summary I will explain. I went into Hospital with a brain tumor and the tumor was successfully removed. However the tumor left cancer cells and the cancer is called GBM known as Glioblastoma Multiforme. It's the highest stage of cancer and its the most aggressive (meaning it recreates tumors and its deadly). The purpose of the chemotherapy and radiothearpy is to kill the cancer cells. The purpose of a clinical trail is to target specific cells that create a tumor from having GBM. This type of cancer is only really common in adults 40 and above. I am going to be honest, I am not part of that statistic so my case is different, but it is as serious as it would be if I was 40.  It is very rare for a younger person to get a malignant tumor. Brain Cancer in Australia is one of the most deadliest cancers alongside leukemia and is the least researched cancer. Now I am physically and mentally fighting this disease with my life and praying and being blessed by amazing people as I am not alone in this journey.


  1. Hey Thomas,
    I am inspired by your courage & amazing, fighting spirit. I was a colleague of your sister when she worked at Suncorp. Sarah is an incredible person so I can only imagine it runs in the family & you are surrounded by an abundance of love & support through this journey. I wish the best for you & please keep sharing your story, stay strong - you're amazing. Tamara Chapman

  2. Thinking of you Thomas, and wishing you lots of strength (and hair regrowth!)


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