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Kindness of animals

(I am writing this now, as my dog as unfortunately surprised and shocked me as I had to rush him to Veterinary surgery this lunchtime as I found him in the lounge room with blood everywhere, he is now fighting for his life with a serious heart problem, infectious mouth disease and gastro, all of a sudden)

Ever since I have come home from surgery, my best friend, my companion for over 11 years has notice the changes in me. Charlie has always been affectionate and protective of me, but ever since I was diagnosed for no joke he has become more affectionate and aware of what's going on. When I first came home from surgery, a few nights I would be woken up by Charlie licking my scar. Worried about me and seeing what he can do to help.

When I first started radiotherapy and the chemotherapy cycle 1 treatment he started to become more clingy. The chemotherapy toxic tablets I was taking I had to do it in a specific cycle in the morning. 7am to 9am without fail. After a few times, without fail Charlie would come straight to my room to guard me. Dogs can obviously smell 'bad things' and especially my tablets he knew straight away it was time for treatment. He has never been so clingy in my life, never been so eager to be in my room. Charlie soon started to notice my hair loss and me being sick, he wouldn't leave my sight. No matter how many times I picked him up and took him into his basket in the lounge room he wouldn't have a bar of it.

He would follow me around everywhere, and even wake me up some mornings for chemo, even if I have slept over 5mins of deadline. It's been amazing seeing Charlie be my best friend and he has been like a brother to me, but only with four legs. Even when we left for Radiothearpy, he would sleep on my bed all day, guarding it. Charlie never does that. Even one night, I forgot my keys and mum and dad weren't home and I went around the side of the house and found charlie barking, and realised it was me, but he was barking from my room.

Over the easter holiday, I had to drop charlie off to my sisters house for a few days while I spend sometime with Mum and Dad in Echuca. When Charlie is normally dropped off at people's house he runs around the house and goes 'exploring', without fail. This time when I went to my sisters to drop charlie off, he wouldn't let go of me, and started screaming. Broke my heart to let him go.

Today, at 6am I looked outside my bedroom window and seeing Charlie outside my fence not in my home and going for a walk, but a slow walk. Almost like he has gone off to die alone. He wouldnt come to me and then I grabbed him and put him into the lounge. I looked away for two minutes and he was bleeding everywhere, ever so sick. With so many problems, it all happened so suddenly. He has been showing some signs of sickness but not this bad.

Something tells me in my heart, that he was protecting me from his own sickness, and he didnt want me to worry. He wanted me to worry about myself and his job was loyalty  He didn't want anyone to stress over him. Gosh, this has been a terrible day. Diagnosed with Cancer this year and my dog is extremely unwell. His uncodnitional love and support has been priceless. Praying right now for miracles and good news. 2013 has been the most horrible year of my life.

Love you buddy!


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