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2017- baby on the way and new career!

I seriously can't believe where has the time gone? Sometimes when you live in the moment you forget what the time is and things slip past you! My gosh it's been a long time writing a blog and can't believe it's coming to the end of 2017. So many incredible exciting things to share.

My wife and I have announced we are having a baby boy! With the grace of God we are thrilled and can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives, just to think going back to the early days of chemotherapy and radiation oncology wouldn't think ever I would get this far, especially all the wonderful people for whom I have met along the way and many of them who have been on this journey with the same diagnosis who have passed away. I'm always thinking of them a raising a glass of scotch when I can to them. I miss them so much

So can't believe its nearly the end of 2017, new beginnings on the approach. I can't wait to be a father, and be a good father to my little boy. My wife has been incredible if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't be writing this blog. She is amazing. She keeps me so alive and full of purpose. Can't wait to begin 2018!! It's like last years have been travelling tru a desert to experience many treasures and waters of blessings and hardships

As been working in various Cancer Departments and Cancer wards as a Support Services Assistant at St Vincent's Hospital I've had numerous patients and staff asks me some of these questions

- ''How do you approach your cancer Tom?''
- Is there any ways as Staff could you treat our patients better?'''
- "What do you think is the best mindset or diet or exercise?"

I always say the same thing, and honestly it is a pleasure and a honor to answer these. I always say

It all comes down to attitude towards your diagnosis. I'm not saying put a fake persona of  'positive thinking'' because sometimes it's vertically impossible to think positive all the time going tru cancer especially when you are at a hospital, yes positive is the key but having a really ""realistic motivational attitude to survive and beat cancer with everything you have got! Having the right attitude with positive meaning and value you can do anything. Change it to Positive Motivational Attitude. 

Personally for me, I didn't change anything pre-diagnosis like having beer or dietary,  I am big believer if you start dramatically changing your body into cancer diets, no alcohol, crazy cancer fruits or veggies that can heal you, I just be normal as possible therefor the brain will not go into this jeopardy mode and start thinking "he is seriously sick"(of course your brain will know your sick but (hopefully you know what I mean)

Awesome news! So starting next week and leading into next year I am starting a new career at Austin Health Repat Hospital in the specialist clinics as a Patient Services Assistant a bit of a step up and exciting new career it's very exciting. New career and beautiful boy coming! I am so blessed and once again thank-you all for the constitutions support.

Have a wonderful Christmas and News Years

Speak to you in the New Year


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Thomas,

    Such an inspiration reading your Blog. I was diagnosed with GBM in February 2017. I have gone through 2 surgeries, radiation, and chemo...starting 10th cycle of 12 this week and so far my MRIs show that the tumors are not growing.

    My family, friends, and doctors are amazed with how well I am doing. They even tell me that I am their inspiration. I owe that to being positive, staying strong, maintaining a normal life-style, and their support.

    Congratulations on the baby and your new job. Thanks again for blogging. Stay positive and strong!!!


  3. It is great to hear your story and it is encouraging to a cancer patient to maintain patience and to be brave to fight with cancer.


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