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Finding yourself again

4 weeks of no radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. It's like a small dose of Heaven. Being touched based with the world again and being bendable. What does a cancer warrior do in his time off? Despite the body detoxing the toxins and crap out of the body, he finds his place in the world again. Sure I have to go into hospital for the clinical trial but that is a great day. Better than a birthday or Christmas, a chance to save my life.

2 weeks ago I promised my partner Jessica if my MRI came back stable we would celebrate. I promised her we would spend a few nights in the city (praying I'm physically well) and be a couple again. No cancer talks, no appointments just an appointment in a beautiful hotel and a restaurant along south bank. Tell you what my MRI came back stable and we were fully over the moon. It was our 1 year anniversary this year but couldn't celebrate it due to bring in hospital however I have been saving up for nearly the whole year for that occasion and I got her a weekend away at the Crowne Plaza. It was wonderful, buffet breakfast, room service, visits to crown casino and a cancer free weekend. 

I had an unforgettable time and for everything Jessica has done she truly deserves it. Seriously a girl just turned 18 and is taking the responsibility of looking after her boyfriend with this type of situation. She is to be recognized. I don't know many 18 year olds who would dream or be ready to take on this. She deserves to be a princess everyday and she is.

A few days later I got to spend some time with my sisters close family and friends. Got to meet one of my best mates who is like a brother to me his beautiful new daughter who has come into the world. There's something magical about a baby that gives you hope, a future and let's you know God has not discouraged us.

After that I got to do something 'normal' and exciting. Take a train trip up to Echuca to join Mum and Dad on their holiday. It was a relaxing time away sitting and reflecting on the banks of the Murry River. Out of all the places in Australia there is something beautiful and spiritual about it. A place to find strength and connect with your inner self. I haven't felt that since I was in London. Got to spend some great time with my Mum who has been unbelievable amazing. Her unconditional love and support has been priceless and going out for chats and coffee have been pleasurable. Also got to spend some quality time too with Dad, dreaming and talking about meaningful things and sharing each others passions.

I've also reconnected more with my best mate Patrick, coffees, dinners and amazing chats have been inspiring and helpful. He truly is someone to be recognized for his time to take me to radiotherapy and been there for me as best friend. 

And finally to end my adventures before I spend some days relaxing and catching up with my close family and friends I got to travel to Jessica's hometown which is a long way to see all of her family which I haven't seen since everything has happened, virtually 5 months. It was lovely to be with them again and the feeling of staying at your girlfriends house in your 20s again makes life exciting and makes you feel your age again. Because certainly don't feel like the old Thomas anymore and being there made me feel like my old self again. Brought back good memories. Anything in life can be taken away from you but when it is "still" in your life bloody enjoy it. Seriously take my word for it the amount of patients I see bringing their grand kids or loved ones to the hospitals and saying their last goodbyes is truly eye opening. So I am blessed to have all of my close family and friends and I enjoy being with them every single second.


  1. Best of luck Thomas. Have been to the places where you have been and survived. Enjoy life that is the best way of fighting back against the madness.

    The blog is great by the way!


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