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Being productive day to day

Sixteen months into being diagnosed with Giloblastoma Multiforme Brain Cancer, and I am still alive. What a  marvelous blessing! The power of the human generosity and kindness still amazes me. As still I am getting wonderful support from family and friends. As I am still on a journey fighting this terminal illness, I have been been able to work semi-part time for my fathers work. (The Emotional Economy At Work). Which is really good because it makes me be able to still use my talents and past experience, and safe in the knowledge that I can still do work, which means alot to me.

I have been given tasks to create YouTube Videos, Cartoon Animation and social media projects. Also have been appointed ''Producer' to create a feature film around kindness. Alot is happening, and will fill you in more, once more details kick off. Working for my Dad has helped me to get into a solid routine and become more routine orientated. (Pretty much helps me to get up in the morning) Working for Dad, and using my talents is really really cool. It helps me healthy and mentally to detach myself from the medical world.

As of now, my fiance Jessica has a new job in the city, which she is now a Sales Consultant for Telstra, which is awesome! As she is really enjoying working there, and coming home with a smile and I love hearing about her entire day. It really fulfills me. Also will be going on a Christian Camp with Crossway North Baptist Church soon, looking forward to connecting with my local church and really getting know more people. I seem to be in a good head-space lately, also nearly forgot to mention, I am on WeightWatchers with my  family. Its really awesome, you learn about healthy eating, and its a bonus I can loose weight, especially after what the steroid drugs did to me. I'm really enjoying it, and so far I have lost 4kg.

Once again, Thank-you to all my followers and supporters, I can't thank-you all enough! I am so blessed to be still alive, yet still got a long long road ahead, but never hopeless.  .

Another entry coming soon!

Here are some Videos I have been creating for The Emotional Economy in the last few weeks and months.

The Fastest Freight Story

Building a Positive Culture is the Key to Social Business

To view the Emotional Economy Youtube Channel, please click here


  1. Thomas may God Bless you I hope you are doing well.

  2. Hi Thomas. How are you? Waiting for an update from you. May god bless you and all your dreams come true.


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