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Chapter 10- Radiotherapy and progress.

After being told about my cancer it was time to put words into action. The plan is that I have a 9month treatment involving both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These two type of methods work best with GBM patients. A long road ahead but never hopeless as I thought. The survival depends on my effort and two way street relationship with the medical team and my emotional mind and spiritual faith. I do radiotherapy at the Epping Medical Specialist Centre here in Victoria. A wonderful dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about saving lives. It really makes all the difference. I do radiotherapy in the afternoons after chemotherapy so by after lunch time I am really exhausted and feeling physically and emotionally drained. Especially they are 'laser' pointing towards my head. But over the last 2 weeks into the progress my body is handling really good it's just when week 3,4,5 I will start to get really sick.

(A tight mask is fitted to my face so my doesn't move when I am being zapped but the lasers. The lasers are pin targeting the cancer cells in my head. So a lot of accuracy and mathematics is involved)

(The mask is huge. I am placed on a electronic glass bench which raises me to the ceiling with the radio machine going around my head. It's like something out of Star Wars. According to a nurse, I am the 2nd youngest patient they have there.)

It's a big effort going into radiothearpy, despite even though it is a good 30-50mins away depending on the time. The constant change of lifestyle 5 days a week has greatly impacted not only on myself but my family. Petrol, food, medications, cosmetic creams for the side effects from radio, and much more. Plus it isn't a normal medical clinic of practice. The bills are extensive but extremely blessed by the gift of God's shelter and provision. It really is emotional going there sometimes, as I am the 2nd youngest patient there alot of the other older patients think I am waiting for my father or mother, but they get a shock when I walk into the radiation room. Even starting to develop some awesome relationships with some of the older folk and it really reflects how cancer not only a shocking disease but the goodness of community and relationships it bounces back on is astonishing and it doesn't know what it's messing with. 

Radiothearpy isn't a simple as pressing buttons on a computer. It's really highly intense. At least 4-5 professional radiographers are monitoring and controlling the machine targeting the cells in my head for 10-20 mins. The incredible advanceds in medical science and the amazing Nurses who don't get the astonishing credit ship they deserve. 

I will be continuing this for another 4 weeks till easter. And then commencing another cycle. I don't know yet till late April if the radiotherapy is working till I get a proper MRI scan. As the moment X-rays wont show anything. Plus it's early stages to say. The biggest fear is any signs of a regrowth of a tumor or cells forming together. That's why they are hitting it hard. Cancer sucks but the journey is not over yet. It got me the other day when I logged onto Facebook and seen heaps of negativity but then I saw that everyone was going back to University or tafe and having coffees and going out. But I just gotta keep fighting and I will be that student once again next week. I tend to stay away from Facebook as much as possible only to see the amazing wonderful things family and friends have said and done for me. And the unconditional amazing support of family & friends in the UK and Australia who are supporting me along the way.

Thank-you to you all for following my progress. Stay in tuned. 


  1. Keep strong and keep smiling Thomas. You do not know me - I am a friend of your Dad. Thinking of you...Imre

  2. Dear Thomas, you don't know me as well ;-) I'm from The Netherlands. I found your like on GBM page on Facebook. I was searching because my father is fighting against it at the same moment as you are. He has also been operated and is now on chemo and radiation. We are now also looking into Dr. Banerji's protocols from India. Maybe something you want to try as well... LOTS AND LOTS OF STRENGTH!!! All the way from Amsterdam The Netherlands. Charlotte Coppola & Family

  3. Wow! Your are the inspiration so many young folk ( and older) need as they think they are depressed over not having the right brand of jeans. You are sooo right - there is nothing like a major trauma to get us thinking about the important things to us . People speak of euthanasia as if it is all about them... I think pain and major challenges teach us a lot but also the people around us and you are contributing more than you know by opening up about this and how to focus on strengths rather than moan about what we have not got. My Mumma always said 'plenty worse off' - I have my named my house that to keep me constantly reminded. How ever your journey ends I know you will be in a wonderful place because of what you have learned and taught. Thank you.


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