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Chapter 2 This isn't normal

December. I still have continuous pain in the front of my head. One morning I would wake up around 7:30am and walk towards the kitchen and I barely could eat breakfast. I would have to make a decision to cancel going into Tafe as I was enrolled in Certificate IV in Training & Assessment. As soon as I would make a call to cancel class, and I would go back to bed and treat it like a migraine. I then would wake up around 5pm or 6pm in the afternoon. This wasn't normal. I am not a person to sleep during the whole day, infact I almost despise sleep as I am so into being active during the day.

However as soon as I wake up, I would feel amazing. I would eat heaps and get into my car and drive for hours as I have a huge passion for automotive world. Come home and go to bed. The same routine would happen every 2-3 days and I just couldn't understand why. So I decided to see my local GP to follow up on my Fatty Liver situation. I saw my GP and we had a conversation that I'm experiencing headaches because of my liver. So a change of lifestyle was needed. Healthier food, cut back on the achololol, and get plenty of exercise. I did this for a week and no results changed. Even during the healthy food stage I was still vomiting and having so called 'migraines'. I went back to the GP and the GP couldn't understand what was going on. I proposed that even though I have been vomiting all of my pain is coming from my head. My head is the real issue here.  So the GP came to the conclusion that I have Sinus Pressure in my sinus glands. A built up of sinus in my frontal part of my head made sense to me. Constant combustion and pressure in my head, but why the vomiting? Why the 6 hours sleep? Why is my vomit green? Why do I feel like I can't breathe all the time?

So I got a referral to get a CT scan for my sinusitis. On the morning of the day I went to get it I shouldn't even been driving. My head felt like it was an atomic bomb ready to explode in one of those SAW movies. Went to the X-ray department in Epping Victoria and did the usual thing and went through the CT scan. Part of me was kinda excited to see how much Sinus was inside my head and if it was Sinus than life was going to be a breeze. 3 days later I went to see my GP and discuss the Sinus. My Doctor said there was no sign of Sinus in my head. I was really starting to worry. Something is inside of my head. I asked the Doctor should I see a specialist of some sort regarding my head and the Doctor said we will just wait and see. The GP then got me to do some pathology tests for:

-Thryoid Gland
-Kidney Stones
etc etc

Nothing was coming up indicating anything. So we had a conversation that I have a Migraine problem. And certain contributing factors are causing my problem which was stress, fatty food, and my excessive passion for coffee (caffeine). So over Christmas to early January I was treating my problem as a Migraine. But a few days before Christmas my Partner Jessica and I were invited to an early family Christmas BBQ at my sister's in the country. The morning of that day I have never been so sick in my apartment. I didn't think I would be able to drive from St Kilda to Kilmore area and pick up my partner from South Yarra station, but I did. I shouldn't even have been driving that day. I was seeing stars and shaking in the car. My partner was very concerned and we decided to take a short quick break at a Shopping Centre on the way. I was that sick that when I was about to find a car spot I couldn't even park the car. I was in so much pain. I froze and the cars were tooting behind me. I had to get my partner to take over. I manage to walk to the food court and people that know me I love food and if there was a Maccas there for breakfast I wouldn't say no. I couldn't think of anything worse. So I decided to go with my partner to Muffin Break and order a big breakfast and then I just walked off and I didnt even remember ordering a meal. I had memory problems and the wait stress came out with it and I'm I didn't order that. Manage to get to my sister's who put on an amazing feast for all the family who traveled so far, but I couldn't even make conversation and I went into the spare bed and slept for the entire event. This isn't normal. I can't believe I drove and nothing seriously happened.

After the BBQ day, and then Christmas to New Years Eve I was perfectly fine. No signs of sickness, headaches or stomach pain. But I was constantly worried and had a gut feeling something was leaking inside my head.


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