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Showing posts from July, 2016

A story just doesn't end here, there is always room for a little more

August 2016. No growth or skrinkage in the tumor size. The specialist Doctors are amazed at the remarkable state of health I am in and what an incrediable journey it has been. On Tuesday last week, I had my MRI and results taken. Officially the doctors have done an official measurement. I only have 3% tumour left. They can't officially say I am in remission as this not used in brain cancer. It could either be scar tissue or risidual tumor. This is the best news of the year! Time to embrace this wonderful news and celebrate!!! Woohoo! C'mon baby!! My eyesight has returned back to normal and regular MRI scans show just a tiny spec of the tumour which may be dead tissue or risidual scar tissue, they can't tell because they need to do a biospy however that is too dangerous as a result it may end up in a wheelchair. It's has been God's blessing on me.  In the last couple of months I have been studying to become a HSA ( Health Services Assistant) or PSA (Personal Services...