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Showing posts from 2014

Being productive day to day

Sixteen months into being diagnosed with Giloblastoma Multiforme Brain Cancer, and I am still alive. What a  marvelous blessing! The power of the human generosity and kindness still amazes me. As still I am getting wonderful support from family and friends. As I am still on a journey fighting this terminal illness, I have been been able to work semi-part time for my fathers work. (The Emotional Economy At Work). Which is really good because it makes me be able to still use my talents and past experience, and safe in the knowledge that I can still do work, which means alot to me. I have been given tasks to create YouTube Videos, Cartoon Animation and social media projects. Also have been appointed ''Producer' to create a feature film around kindness. Alot is happening, and will fill you in more, once more details kick off. Working for my Dad has helped me to get into a solid routine and become more routine orientated. (Pretty much helps me to get up in the morning) Working...

My First Flight Training Lesson

This was a day, I will never ever forget. No cancer will destroy this beautiful and amazing experience I had, For my 21st Birthday, my awesome parents got me the most awesome present ever. They got me an experience package for me to go up in a WW1 Tiger Moth Airplane for over an hour. In the air, my father got to come along too, in his own plane.For that one hour, I got to leave the world behind, I felt I was free up in the air. It was priceless. Also on my birthday I got to recieve another awesome gift from my awesome fiance, in which it was an actual registered flight lesson. Learn to Fly it was. Many thanks to Tristar Aviation for offering me this opportunity and Jessica. I learnt the basics of flying a Cessna 2 Seater Aircraft, manage to do Taxi, Takeoff and fly in mid-air. Word's cannot describe the experience, but I do have some photos I would love to share with you. (This was the WW1 Tiger Moth I flew in, from Point Cook RAAF across Melbourne, via MCG and Sandringha...

A Way of LIfe

Hi everyone. Really sorry I haven't written a blog entry for a while. So much has happened, and it's so hard to really capture the last months into words. Because words are just letters and meanings. So much has happened I dont know where to start, but I can say I finally moved out with Jessica and we are happily living in an apartment. A massive and wonderful change of lifestyle and culture shock too. This enables me to be closer to Australia's finest Medical oncology team which is the Olivia Newton John, I am now only 20mins away from it, praise God. This will help with any emergencies and day to day treatment. What does a 21 year old with terminal cancer do when we is not at treatment? There are only so many movies you can watch. It's a emotional roller coaster, one minute your full of combustion energy and next you get so down, especially when you see the world ticking around you. There have been days that Ive had no energy, nor the will to get out of bed. The...

A Christmas Joy, a New Year and a new life

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE! Tumor on Left Scan (August 2013)  Scan on the Right is Present (December 2013) I really hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and a New Year celebration, as I have had a blessing. 75% reduction in my latest MRI scan. Thank-you God, Thank-you to the miracle of Man and the miracle of hope. Now since this year has passed another begins. When people will ask me what your year like in 2013 was, I will smile knowing that I have survived, but yet have a strong sadness over me as a reminder but mind over matter. It’s awesome that I have a reduction of 75%, however this is a miracle especially for this type of Cancer it is not normal nor is it expected, we are heading into an amazing time of miracle science breakthroughs with terminal cancers, am I’m the blessed one to be in the middle of the battle. A war with Cancer that has gone long enough, the longest war ever. Last few weeks, and recently I have been very busy with lots of joy. Enjoying my...