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Showing posts from July, 2013

Inspirational Imagery

From going on various small therapeutic trips since I was diagnosed with Cancer, I often pray to God to give me a signs of hope, future and a sense that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You may not believe in faith or anything but some spiritual and supernatural appears at the end of almost every prayer. Take a look at these shots. I think these images are a visual manifestation of the journey we take in life. In darkness we see storms, clouds, and then suddenly we see the light and deep deep down in our hearts it brings us comfort.  


Hi everyone. Its been too long since I have been blogging away and I am going to start posting more and more and catch up to speed with everything. I have been up and down on an emotional eventful roller coaster the last few months, and cant wait to express everything that has happened. The title says it all! Yes a few weeks ago I took my girl for a mini holiday to the beautiful serenity of the alpine regions of Bright Victoria, yet little did she know I was going to propose to her. Jessica said yes such powerful emotions and love was shown that holiday and having such a terrible year an engagement and planning a wedding is enough to emotionally defeat the evils of cancer. The miracle of love ay. We have been dating for a long time and saying I love you all the time it was finally great to put that into concrete so planning an engagement party and a wedding has put me into a good emotional head space. Yet even though planning it I am now up to my 3rd cycle of Chemothearpy treatment ...